high time!

Hahaha, I don't know, feeling pretty enthu at this unearthly hour, so retarded meeee decides to talk rubbish. Heh. I'm so hungry now, and I'm like staring right into my cookie jar filled with choco chip cooookieeeeeeeeesss. WOAH ME GOSHH!!. I WANT TO EAT!!! Sigh better not, after like so long, I finally lose that 1KG. Ya, ONE PATHETIC ONE. ERMS, I'M LOSING OUT TO THAT PIG! I THINK :/ Nvm :) Become abit thinner and prettier can alr, hor? :)

Hmmmm, school's out! WEEKENDS ARE HERE AGAIN. So sick of it though, I think I've got nothing much to do, EXCEPT, EXCEPT... PROJECTS. Sigh.

Erm, erm.. School's good. Becauuuusee I get to see everyone again (BEAMS!).. But school suck becauuuuse of TUTORIALS. BAHHHS. I think I got straight, mind you, straight Ds for my Mid-Semestral Tests.. AMAZING HUH(: Quite... quite an achievement, because seriously I didn't put in any effort at all in studying and I was particulary upset over some shit over that period of time. It's OVER! OVER JOLS! Aren't you a happy fuck bum now?! Erm, heeee.

"Back in schooool~~ Bonker-rara-shit in lecture hall!"

Anyhoo, I think the most exciting thing that happened this week was.... (*drumrolls..*) TODAY(: Withhhhhhhhh, my Biz-Shield Captain Ball Team, BSCSubCommOEI(Ignore the team name, puhleassse..!!) LOL! WEEE! And plus a few of the BSC main comm peeps, luh. Had a few games with them today and we watched Step Up together in school at night! Yeah, and everyone were grubbing on JUNKFOOOOOOD (SINSINSIN)! Hahaha, after the movie, we went for dinner opposite TP. It was soooooooooo CRAZY!!!! Lol, I really enjoyed myself(: We played this super uber stupidly 'gan jiong' game! LOL, forfeit was pretty awful for those who already had their dinner. They had to eat a mouthful of FRIED RICE no matter how bloated they are! HAHA, LOL. So silly right.. Play till we call ourselves the.... FRIED RICE GANG. Eh, supposed to be Anti-Fried Rice Gang, luh! Haha, it wasn't that bad for me because I didn't eat dinner(: Hee, We had other forfeits like, Crab Dance(prouly self-choreographed by TP BSC!!! HAHA!), Star Jumps, Pole Dancing and Dancing-Around-the-table. Hahaha. Awesome night, people! Thank God for the new people I've met! And most importantly thank you all guys!! (lou, joanne, kannan, tk, ck, maybelle, serene, lingyu, joyce, long, dean, jacq, daniel, &mark!) BIG HUGS ALL~

"TP BSC Sub-Committee LOVE!"

Erm, Ms irresponsible here didn't attend the first band practise after the break. So sorrry, will make it up on Monday! See you all band lovelies by then!! HEARTS HEARTS!

So, I'll stop here alright? Need to get some rest. Heh... Good night, babes and dudes(:

I'm not stupid, am I?

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